Breaking News - You Need To Know 😱🙄🤕🤧🥴#shorts #weather #end #news #newshorts #flood #rain

1 year ago

Prepare for a fascinating expedition into the ever-changing climate of our beautiful blue planet! Since the late 1800s, Earth's average surface temperature has been on the rise, heating up by approximately 1.8°F (1.0°C). But what's the reason behind this warming trend? The answer lies in the increasing presence of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, acting as a greenhouse gas and trapping heat from the sun. It's as if a cozy blanket of carbon dioxide has been gradually enveloping our planet, nudging up the temperature gauge and setting the stage for a climatic showdown.

But hold on, this isn't the first time Earth has gone through a climatic rollercoaster! Over the past million years, our resilient planet has endured cycles of freezing cold and toasty warmth. Aptly nicknamed "ice ages" or "glacials," these icy episodes occurred approximately every 100,000 years, with the most recent peak occurring about 20,000 years ago. During these incredible cycles, global average temperatures swayed, with a fluctuation of 3° to possibly 8° Celsius (5°-15° Fahrenheit). Interestingly, it was the tireless efforts of climate scientists seeking to unravel the enigmas of these ice ages that unraveled a remarkable truth: carbon dioxide holds a paramount role in Earth's climate system, both in the past and in our current era of global warming.

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