DeSoto RPEC hosts Attorney General Candidates May 18, 2023

1 year ago

The 2023 candidates for the Louisiana State Attorney General position spoke with members of the Desoto RPEC at their monthly meeting at RB4 event center in Logansport Louisiana on Thursday May 18, 2023.
Liz Murrill:
Candidate Murrill was unable to be present today due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict. She has served as the state Solicitor General for the last seven years. Information about some of her activities in this position is available here
Her campaign website is

John Belton:
Candidate Belton is the only "No Party Candidate" in the 2023 AG race, and presently the District Attorney of the Third JDC. More information about his activity in this position is available at
His campaign website is

Marty Maley:
Candidate Maley has a 28 year history as a criminal prosecutor and 32 years experience as a civil trial attorney.
His campaign website is

John Stefanski
Candidate Stefanski is currently serving as Louisiana State Representative - District 42. Information about his legislative activity is available at
His campaign website is

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