7,000-year-old Figurine Found In Italian Cave Shocks Archaeologists

1 year ago

During an exploration of the magnificent Battifratta Cave in Italy, archaeologists were taken aback when they stumbled upon an unexpected treasure—a remarkably rare clay figurine depicting a female. What surprised them even more was the dating of the artifact, revealing its remarkable age of approximately 7,000 years.

Situated near Poggio Nativo in Sabina, Italy, the Battifratta Cave is a geological marvel adorned with captivating stalactites and stalagmites. Delving deep into its intricate network of underground chambers and tunnels, a team from the Department of Ancient Sciences at Sapienza made this remarkable discovery during their recent excavation campaign.

This ancient doll, considered unique in the region, holds within it the whispers of a bygone era, recounting tales of prehistoric society, ancient rituals, and journeys into the afterlife, Ancient Origins reported.

"Enigmatic 7,000-year-old Figurine Found In Italian Cave Shocks Archaeologists"
READ MORE: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/battifratta-cave-figurine-0018467

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