Mum scared by little girl who shares 'previous existence subtleties and how she passed on'

1 year ago

Mum scared by little girl who shares 'previous existence subtleties and how she passed on'

Ashley was frightened when her girl previously told her she kicked the bucket in 1942 in a fender bender,

however, when she attempted to get her in clearly false she was savaged by her little one's reaction

A mum was severely savaged by her young girl when she requested insights concerning her previous existence.

Ashley, from the US, was questionable when her now nine-year-old little girl told her she was resurrected and was as it were

"imagining" to be her "genuine girl".

She was curious as to whether her girl was deceiving her so she posed her similar inquiry two times over the course of about three years.

Sharing the strange story on TikTok, Ashley reviewed her little girl,

who was five years of age then, at that point, told her: "We should imagine that you're my genuine mum.

You're my new mum, my genuine mum kicked the bucket a long, long,

quite a while in the past and afterward I returned and presently you're my new mum."

Uncertain what she implied by that, Ashley inquired as to whether she recollected that family and tells her a few subtleties.

She said 'my father's name was Samuel, can't recollect my mum's name yet it's completion like - tina, perhaps Christina, Valentina'

," the TikToker said.

"She said she passed on in 1942 in a vehicle


Citing her girl's words, Ashley proceeded:

"We were turning left and I was sitting as far as possible on the traveler side and she had a sibling and a sister and they were sitting center and the driver side.

"They turned yet they didn't see a vehicle was coming, and the vehicle hit her side and killed her and her

Mum since her father was driving."

By then, the parent didn't trust her little girl's words yet she noted it down, wanting to call her an untruth a few years sometime soon.

Quick forward to last year and Ashley's girl turned eight, she asked once more in the event that she recollected her previous existence.

Her little girl told her: "Better believe it I recall some stuff, it's still sort of fluffy however I recollect."

Ashley went to her telephone to check the notes as her girl definite: "I kicked the bucket in 1942 in a fender bender.

"We were turning and a vehicle hit my side of the vehicle, and I kicked the bucket and my mum passed on however my father, siblings lived."

Then, at that point, Ashley scrutinized her: "So for what reason didn't you have your safety belts on?"

The little kid took a gander at her and clearly answered: "There were no safety belts in those days!"

Ashley was dumbfounded and presently completely accepts that her girl was resurrected.

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