Is Canada trying to ELIMINATE the Homeless?

1 year ago

A recent poll shows that a third of Canadians would support extending doctor-assisted suicide - or MAID - to the homeless and people whose sole condition is poverty.

That figure should serve as an indictment of Canada’s leadership, but the reality is, our leaders will likely see it as an endorsement of their ideological push to expand euthanasia in Canada. MAID represented 3.8% of all deaths in Canada in 2021 and UN rights groups and disability rights groups have condemned this expanding practice.

But it doesn’t end there.

The Canadian government’s “safe supply” drug strategy is not only proving to be unsafe but actually indirectly fuelling and funding a deadly black market fentanyl trade. “Safe supply” from the government means giving taxpayer-funded tablets of hydromorphone – a more potent heroin alternative – to addicts.

A National Post investigation into the failures of Canada’s “safe supply” program prompted a fiery exchange on the floor of the House of Commons between Pierre Poilievre and the minister of addictions Carolyn Bennett.

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