Star Wars Jedi : Survivor Review

1 year ago

Star Wars Jedi : Survivor reviewed by Dan Stapleton on PlayStation 5. Also available on Xbox Series XIS and PC . " Star Wars Jedi : Survivor takes what Fallen Order did and wall - runs with it , then double - jumps and air - dashes straight into an epic lightsaber battle . Rather than taking us back to square one to begin Cal's journey as a Padawan again , we're trusted with control of a full - fledged Jedi Knight who we can grow into master of superhuman mobility and fantastic and challenging combat . With a new of larger , more diverse , and densely packed worlds to explore and a memorable cast of returning characters , Survivor tells a story that may be predictable at times but is still fun and emotional to watch play out . Launch performance issues aside , it's a sequel that does virtually everything better than the original - which was already an exceptional Star Wars game . If Respawn makes one more like this it'll be the best Star Wars trilogy in 30 years , hands down . "

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