Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Thinks President Xi has the Ambition to Take Taiwan

1 year ago

05/17/2023 Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss: It's absolutely clear that President Xi has the ambition to take Taiwan. It's my view that the preference of President Xi and the CCP would do it in a way that doesn't involve force. But certainly they would be prepared to use force if necessary. All we can do, those of us who believe in freedom and democracy, is make sure that Taiwan is protected as much as possible, and that the Chinese government understands that there will be severe consequences if they try to take Taiwan by force.

05/17/2023 英国前首相特拉斯:毫无疑问,习有拿下台湾的野心。我认为习近平和中共更趋向不使用武力,但他们也做好了必要时使用武力的准备。我们这些信仰自由民主的人所能做的就是确保台湾尽可能受到保护,并且让中共政府明白,一旦他们对台湾采取武力,将会有非常严重的后果。

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