The Armando Valdes Abduction in Chile

1 year ago

Several countries have a case of sightings of UFO who seems to dwarf all others in terms of fame and controversy; In United States of America there is the Roswell crash and England Close Encounters in Rendlesham Forest.

In Latin America, Chile occupies a prominent place where the bizarre story of corporal Armando Valdes, and seven soldiers of the Chilean army, has long dominated the local UFO scene.

The accident occurred in 1977 in a desolate mountainous desert area called Pampa Lluscuma, near the town of Putre, in the northern Chilean region of Tarapacá.

This case occurred in one of Chile’s so-called hot spots for UFO sightings, but what sets it apart from all the other close encounters is that the star witness, Corporal Valdes, apparently experienced physiological and motor effects after disappearing for fifteen or twenty minutes.

They say about his abduction that he moved inside a huge luminous globe that floated near the soldiers. The corporal reappeared shocked.

The strangest thing about the story is that, upon his return, Valdes had a five-day beard and his wristwatch had stopped after the brief experience, but his calendar showed five days in the future. It marked April 30, 1977 instead of the actual date of April 25.

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