5.18.23- Durham, TREASON, Dismantle C_A, Inside the STORM! Warming up. PRAY!

1 year ago

Medical Alert Bracelet https://formerfedsgroup.org/shop/medic-alert-bracelets/bracelet/

Rep. Harriet Hageman puts Schiff & the corrupt Dems on blast: https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/13183

Hageman called it. First Democrat to speak: https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/13184

MEGA proof https://twitter.com/GH17TAFKAG/status/1658229479653666816?s=20

MTG: "Mr. Graves you are the US Attorney for the District of Columbia you have the unique ability to pros https://t.me/Tironianae/182816

'The WHO guidance says that “sexuality education starts from birth”. If you don't think that’s sick, then I can't help you. The World Health Organisation can go to hell.' https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/38785

Sen. Ron Johnson: Fauci Was ‘Just Hungry’ for a Universal Vaccine Campaign https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/38755

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