The John Birch Society Is Still Winning Big | Beyond the Cover

1 year ago

The John Birch Society, for decades largely ignored by the major media, has been garnering more publicity lately about how the seeds it has planted over many years in the minds and hearts of the American people are still winning victories today. The media, for example, has credited the JBS for MAGA. However, for the most part the same media reports fail to credit the JBS as being a vibrant, viable, force on the American political landscape today, preferring instead to say that it is JBS ideas that are still winning, while imagining that the organization itself is a past phenomenon. In truth, even though the media does not want to acknowledge it, the JBS is alive and well — and growing. In this Beyond the Cover Interview, JBS Communications Director Paul Dragu discusses both the media characterizations and the organization itself, including what JBS members are doing all across the country.

Paul Dragu is the author of “The John Birch Society Is Still Winning Big” in the May 29, 2023 issue of The New American. To read the article, visit:

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