Don’t ever give up on your dreams

1 year ago

Don’t give up.

If you go to bed with a dream, and you wake up with that same dream, don’t give up on it.

You might well get a job and work for somebody else, but if that dream is still in the back of your head. Don’t give up on it!

Even if things get really bad, and you want to give up, let the the dream remind you that you can go on.

If it’s in you, and you can’t shake it, and you dream about it, and when you want to walk away from it, you still dream, that’s the Universe telling you to keep going.

So don’t stop, keep going, no matter what anybody says, you are worth it. Understand that you are worth it. You deserve the good things. Just don’t give up.

Keep going, the good things you deserve, they’re already yours ❤️

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#dontgiveup #followyourdreams #nomatterwhat #itsnotoveruntiliwin #itsalreadyyours #alreadydone

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