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Canada’s Tainted Blood

Streamed on:

An advocate of naturopathy medicine, Samantha Monahan and founder of Safeblood, George Della join us today to talk about a safe blood supply in Canada.
Samantha's life took an unexpected turn when her child, against her will, received donated blood that resulted in a tragic incident. Her child experienced cardiac arrest, an event that shook Samantha to her core and deeply impacted her perspective on healthcare and medical procedures.
Sun City Silver & Gold: sovereignize@protonmail.com

Zstack Protocol: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=LAURALYNN

Let The Healing Begin Powerpoints
Dr. Bonnie Mallard: https://bit.ly/3mJES5H
Dr. William Makis: https://bit.ly/40vQbMl
Dr. Paul Alexander: https://bit.ly/41r38ID
Dr. Byram Bridle: https://bit.ly/3N0Abzc
Dr. Bryan Ardis: https://bit.ly/41qHrsq
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  • 0/2000
  • Canada has turned into a 3rd world shit-hole! Hasn't Trudeau done a bang up job!?! That twat needs to be pushed out a plane without a parachute.

  • I’m sorry for your loss Samantha. You kept your son alive for 11 years against all odds and then our inept medical system sabotaged you. Be brave. You are a good mom.

  • I have been waiting for a show on this "pure blood". There is a military base in the states that has gotten rid of all their tainted blood and only use pure blood in their military hospital. I wish I could remember the name of it. Great show. My husband comes from Winkler Manitoba, a great place.

  • so canada has a bible belt .... thats an uplifting thought

  • I feel sorry for this beautiful mother. Please stay strong for the next victims.

  • Been following Dr Martin 2020 He showed the investments Trudeau made to the patents of Pfizer etc 2015. Documents are public knowledge! Isn’t that a conflict? Owning patents and investments? Trudeau used his money or tax payers $$? Dr Martin has links to these docs on his website ….google

  • This lady is grieving deeply ! Praying for her ! 💞🙏💞

  • Put “auto transfusions “ for blood into your written medical directives letters. And if the inthe case of your death from medical interventions , demand an autopsy.

  • Such a sad story for this Mother. My conolence to you and thank you for the strength and courage to speak out.

  • In my view, everything died the day that JFK got his brains blown out of the back of his skull in November of 1963. The men who all played a part in this unspeakable crime are all gone from this world, but the evidence continues to be spilled out even though the people who covered it up wanted it buried for over 75 years, but GOD said NO. Never forget we are all involved in a Spiritual War that started from the beginning of humanity.

  • i would just love to hug her cause she is so much in pain. prayers for her and her family

  • i ve been needing a hip replacement for the last 3 yrs and that's the reason why i haven't got it yet , i cant donate my own blood , i have to take what they give me ... i guess a syringe and a refrigerator is above the skill levels and technology of our hospitals

  • with this kangaroo , mid evil judicial system we have in place now , "your innocent till proven guilty" no longer exists and has been replaced with "your guilty until you prove your self innocent " ... which means now the hospital has to prove in a court of law that they are innocent of murder

  • Laura-Lynn isn't that the same Women who you had asked for prayer for her son and announced on your show when she was needing blood donors and hospital was refusing unvaxed blood.

  • So sorry for your loss ❤❤😢😢