TheDimStream LIVE! 1930s: City Lights (1931) | The Thin Man (1934)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Chatting about "City Lights" and "The Thin Man."

JQuickDraw Foist

Egerog hi

JQuickDraw Beverly with the birthday acknowledgment lol. "I know it's a special day for you. That is all."

Egerog November suck to start a book

Egerog especially if you have kids

JQuickDraw I like to listen to audio books. I can do other things at the same time. It helps with my mind, which is always idling at high RPMs.

JQuickDraw It's a sad commentary on our society when you have to search to find real, basic food with no preservatives and "natural" flavors.
whoisjec We going to watch City Lights?
whoisjec i think after 100 years it falls into public domain, Gold Rush is in public domain I think

JQuickDraw I think media copyright is life of the author PLUS 98 years, also known as the Disney law.
whoisjec City Lights is the one with the blind girl one?
whoisjec Happy endings depend on knowing when to end the story
whoisjec if I remember the ending is kinda ambiguous if they end up together
whoisjec oh yea I love the Thin Man series, the second one has Jimmy Stewart as the villain
whoisjec isn't he pink panther the diamond?
whoisjec Peter Seller's did EIGHT Pink Panther movies
whoisjec in the 30's it was common for people to wait until marriage to have sex

JQuickDraw Sex would be a natural extension of the initial butterflies and moonbeams stage.

JQuickDraw When the relationship is no longer exciting, the sex is not as desirable.

JQuickDraw It's weird to think you won't have issues with your spouse, when you have issues with people in literally every other relationship in your life. It's just part of being alive.

JQuickDraw Human experience is pretty much problem solving and conflict mitigation.

JQuickDraw Modern education is predicated on tabula rasa, and anyone who can't succeed within a rigid environment of standardized teaching is considered broken and not worth the effort.

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