Bitcoin Bootcamp

1 year ago

Bitcoin Bootcamp - Juneau, AK
May 7, 2023

Greg Foss - Over 30 years in financial markets with focus in trading high yield credit. Forbes estimated his net worth back in 2021 at around $2.6 billion.

Andi Pit - Former CEO at Goldman Sachs and general partner at Ego Death Capital.

Dom Bei - Retired firefighter and union member who works to educate unions regarding Bitcoin. He will be working to bring in unions around the state to attend the meet-up both locally and remotely.

Sam Callahan - Lead Analyst at Swan Bitcoin works with Swan Private to educate high net worth individuals, financial advisors, and businesses about Bitcoin.

Alex Stanczyk - Managing Director with Swan Private.

Dennis Porter - Co-Founder Satoshi Action Fund. Recently testified for Missouri Legislature and today he is in Montana testifying for their legislature.

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