NYSFA Interviews Senator George Borrello on Stand-Your-Ground Law!

1 year ago

Thirty-eight states have some form of Stand-Your-Ground law, but not New York. That means that if you are forced to use a firearm to defend yourself, you could be the one facing criminal charges unless you retreated an arbitrary number of steps, first.

But that could change! State Senator George Borrello and Assemblyman David DiPietro have filed Stand-Your-Ground law for New York State. In this video, NYSFA’s Aaron Dorr breaks down the details of this legislation and explains why now is the time to press for this!

Tell your legislators to cosponsor A-5433/S-1120: https://www.newyorkstatefirearmsassociation.org/action/syg-state-pet/

Join the NYS Firearms Association: https://action.newyorkstatefirearmsassociation.org/join


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