DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR | Is it really necessary at the public library?

1 year ago

Coming to a public library near you. The drag queen story hour for ages 2 to 8.

This was the Perth City library where protesters and supporters gathered.

The question is, should we all have a say about how the library presents itself to the public since it’s a place of public interest.

The official memo from Perth city is that this is about inclusiveness.

Drag Queens are already accepted in society (Pricilla Queen of the Desert) but what if this intervenes with your moral standards of raising your children. Do you want this at your public library where your kids could easily walk in and be subjected to adult entertainers reading books to children aged 2 to 8.

What is the moral obligation of society?

Checkout the Freedom Media WA livestream here : https://www.youtube.com/live/Ne6B6-SDxXQ?feature=share

#perth #dragqueen #library #storytime #reading #books #adultentertainer #sexualisation

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