Terry Fox's Lost Legacy

1 year ago

have you ever watched the documentary on Terry Fox running across Canada? If you have you'd notice the comments Terry made about the government and corporations just wanting to use him for their gain.

I believe Terry's actions were fueled by the incompetence of government and corporations. I got the feeling from the tone of his voice and his actions in the documentary.

Today cancers are worse than ever, I find it frustrating and furious that governments don't allow many treatments that are based on Nature cures, its even more so when government never looks for the CAUSE of increased cancers and diseases. I believe governments don't bc they are bribed/subjugated by the very corporations that are the cause of cancers and diseases. Things like Chemical Alley in Ontario and along the Mississippi Delta, the garbage incinerators across Canada, and the commercial mills and manufacturers that get a free ride to pollute under "best practices" that havn't changed in 75 years.

Mills fill neighborhoods with toxic smoke and chemicals, the Tar sands use two parts natural gas and two parts water to boil off the tar sands, sending tons of super toxic compounds and elements into the air land, and water that is responsible for the increase of cancers and disease. Toxic tailing ponds across Canada and the world is insane and pure evil. People sell their souls for a bit of profit and power, enslave society to these things that really should have never been allowed to happen if it weren't for these people selling out, selling their souls.

did you know that for all the pollution in China, there are very few people who have asthma or seasonal allergies, there are no peanut allergies like there are in western Canada? There are practically no cases of Down's syndrome in china as well.

the professors and doctors that are supposed to be the gatekeepers are silent on issues that could stop the insanity. Air tests that would show these things in the air land and water are practically nonexistent. Prince George BC had their air tested some years ago which showed 19Xs the legal limit of formaldehyde in the air in the middle of summer, though they were swept under the carpet and no air tests have been done or made public since anywhere in Canada.

but bc the economy is centered on corporations and capitalism raping and pillaging mother earth for fossil fuels that are then manufactured into plastic and chemicals that are super toxic, everyone who is supposed to be monitoring the public's safety is silent as a church mouse.

The Canadian Cancer Society has raised billions, Cancer organizations world wide have also used Terry as a cash cow, with not one penny being accounted or disclosed as to where all the money has gone.

Terry no longer has a voice, but you and I do, so speak up, act, and demand accountability. God help us all, for the Devil is in the details.

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