EV's; be the change the world needs

1 year ago

"they" say one man can't make a difference in the world, but that is a lie meant to facilitate the current path of capitalism. We need to focus on the little things, on what I call Community.

Corporations and governments are never going to change bc Capitalist Corporations have bribed/subjugated governments to serve corporations for nothing more than profits. They're the ones who are responsible for destroying the world, but we as individuals can make a difference, we can spur the change the world needs.

it comes down to how we live, what we buy, what we consume, and simply serving the community by doing little things, like picking up garbage and purchasing products that are less damaging to the environment.

99% of people don't realize the damage they are doing, though with just a little effort and thought, we can be the change the world needs. think of your children and grandchildren, is this the world they deserve?

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