[Cavern of Earth 1/2] Let's Play Final Fantasy I: Episode 14

1 year ago

The first major dungeon awaits us. with many trials and challenges awaiting us. our team is raring to go.

Seala: I'll be taking that spell please.
Gerin: Sure thing madam, hope it gives you an edge in battle.
Blaze: Seala, you didn't take that just because your family is aquatic right?
Seala: I don't see why not. is there a problem with it?
Blaze: not... really, I'm just curious why you took a spell that for all intents and purpose, you're already proficient in.
Seala: It's not for just me, it's for all of you, can't have you be hurt by it.
Blaze: guess that's fair.

Thumbnail Credits:

Orginal Sprites by: Square-Enix
Ripped by: Ren Ramos

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