He forgave His Captors #louiszamperini #ww2

1 year ago

“Louis Zamperini” “Ww2” This guy has one of the most incredible survival stories of all time. Louis Zamperini from olean new york became a famous name in the 1936 berlin summer olympics. Adolf hitler himself requested to meet Zamperini. as tensions mounted, he enlisted in the army Air Force. His bomber would be shot down after a raid by a team of japanese zeros and Louis was transferred to hawaii and assigned to another bomber, the green hornet, which was known to have faulty equipment. during a search and rescue mission on may 27th 1943, the bomber failed and crashed into the ocean. all 11 crew members were assumed to have been killed in action. however, 3 of the men including Louis managed to survive on a life raft for 33 days until one of them died. on day 47 zamperini and one other man washed ashore on the marshall islands, which was under japanese control and the two american soldiers were immediately captured. louis zamperini was shipped to a total of 4 prisoner camps all the while being beaten and subjected to all manner of cruelty. especially from a prison guard named Mutsuhiro Watanabe. Also known as the bird. zamperini would be liberated at wars end in august 1945, nearly 2 years later.

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