PE70: Does gold have a TREND?

1 year ago

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This is the seventieth video installment from Porkopolis Economics, covering macro and money, from the creator of the Crypto Voices podcast, Matthew Mezinskis.

00:00 Intro
00:32 Starting at bottom of bear
01:39 Exponential trends straight lines on log
02:40 2005 trendline
04:37 2012 trendline
06:07 2015 trendlines until today
10:15 Looking out to 2030
12:22 Above or below trend more often?

Here I talk about the exponential regression trendlines over gold's price from 1999. As gold is base money, like bitcoins, this video can be used to compare and contrast the supply and demand (price) trends for bitcoins we did in the last few videos. A key difference is that gold (and most markets) follow exponential trendlines, whereas the price of bitcoins follow a power trendline.

All-time trend coefficients to draw it yourself:
Power formula: y = a * EXP (b * x)
Coefficients found: y = 3.12E+02 * EXP (0.0237% * x)

Prior videos with further info:
Gold original exponential explainer:
Gold with percentiles:

Host: Matthew Mezinskis

Show content is not investment or financial advice in any way.

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