Some high ranking CIA officials don’t wanna take down the CCP due to their business with CCP

1 year ago

05/17/2023 Nicole on Steve Gruber Show: Gruber said they’ve got a report that right before FBI raided Miles Guo’s apartment, he was going to name the names of the American sellouts in high positions. And then suddenly the FBI raided his house and his house was set on fire. Now he is behind bars and is not allowed bail. Nicole referred to one of Miles Guo’s livestream, where he revealed some high ranking CIA officials don’t want to take down the CCP, because they are doing business with the CCP with big money. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/17/2023 妮可参加史蒂夫·格鲁伯节目:格鲁伯称他们得到一份报告显示在FBI搜查郭文贵公寓之前,郭先生正准备说出美国高层卖国贼的名字。然后,突然间FBI搜查了他的公寓,他的公寓被纵火。现在他被关在监狱,并不准保释。妮可说到郭文贵先生的一次直播中提到,美国的一些CIA的高层官员并不想推翻中共,因为他们正在同中共做生意,并且交易数额巨大。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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