The Chilling Killing of Debanhi Escobar.

1 year ago

On April 9th, 2022, Debanhi Susana Escobar Bazaldúa vanished into thin air. But just thirteen days later, her remains were discovered in a cistern at a motel in General Escobedo. Her body bore visible signs of violence, leading investigators to suspect that she was the victim of a femicide. The tragic news sparked widespread unrest in Mexico, with a viral photo of Debanhi standing alone on the night of her disappearance only adding fuel to the fire. This case is just one of many in the ongoing crisis of missing women in Nuevo León and throughout Mexico. The question remains: who is responsible for the senseless loss of this young woman's life, and what will it take to bring her killer to justice?

“Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio”

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