ACT Leader David Seymour Confronted

1 year ago

David had welcomed all to speak on Sunday, Mothers Day & prior to my question another gentleman had raised the importance of freedom of speech for all as critically important, even on the least popular subjects. The reason I stated I’m of Maori & European descent, wasn’t to play the race card, but in response to David saying I’m not from Epsom, rather than accept as a high ranking politician, his job is to listen to & serve us all, no excuses & sans personal attacks.

I would add that humans only have words or fists to resolve problems. So those who do not allow speech are inviting violence, as that is the ONLY conflict resolution alternative to diplomacy. Any libertarian should therefore want words, even rugged or disagreeable speech, as anything with sound waves is preferable to physical violence!

David has had years to explain to his past voters, such as myself, why he failed to uphold multiple sections of the Bill of Rights, including the right to freedom from medical coercion, the right to medical privacy & right to association/protest, during Covid.

I also understand that those Rights are not entrenched, they can be suspended under section 4 & we do not have a constitution to empower citizens (one of three such nations on earth). However those aforementioned rights date back to the Magna Carta of 1215 & are echoed in the UN’s own Declaration of Human rights. So any suspension of them is serious & should follow vigorous public debate to ensure the threshold of section 4 is met, which did not occur under covid or subsequently.

David Seymour therefore failed to be a voice for right wingers, libertarians & conservatives throughout New Zealand & silenced his own board & MP’s from speaking their minds on the above issues. I have proof of this & David’s breach of his own ACT party constitution to be revealed in due course.

Also, there is no right that can be interpreted under NZ law which says an individual can live safe of a virus or free from risk of infection by others. So there is no long-standing legal basis to discriminate against the unvaccinated when a) there is no right for the vacccinated to be “safe” & b) there is no proof the unvaccinated ever had a higher viral load or that the vaccine reduced risk of transmission(Medsafe never even tested for transmission). There is however scientific evidence of the obese having a much higher viral load & reduced vaccine efficacy. But we didn’t ban the obese from bars, cafes, gyms or their workplace.

Lastly David claims a business has the right to discriminate on the basis of vaccination, firstly that violates the right to individual medical privacy, but also a business cannot discriminate on the basis of race, gender or any other axis, as we don’t have a totally libertarian property rights free market economy. The basis of all property rights however, is not a business or corporation, but one’s individual body. Your body belongs to you only, which is why slavery, rape & assault are wrong!

By saying you must put a dubious vaccine in your body or lose your job, David & other politicians essentially threatened/blackmailed you for money. That isn’t a natural consequence such as eating too much makes you fat, removing someone’s income for not getting a vaccine is an arbitrarily made up political consequence and the same as saying “give me money or get shot”….”take this shot or you don’t get X thousand dollars & your family suffers”. If made up consequences are OK, then every history act of state tyranny & genocide is similarly justified.

Those weren’t just empty threats, Ardern with the backing of Seymour acted on those threats & cost thousands their jobs, businesses & relationships by mobilising our police, courts & military to act on said flawed, violent basis.

Violence is not my verbal confrontation as David claims, violence is making & carrying out threats to remove liberties from people who don’t do as you say & put xyz in their bodies!

For that he deserves far more than my heated speech, as do all politicians, however this man is especially culpable as he’s not stupid like Jacinda, can understand the implications of his actions & pretends to be a beacon of freedom & real opposition. I encourage those who agree with the substance of my reasoning to question David with their own unique style, in their own words and see if they are met with a more humane & considered response.

I for one will not be voting ACT or helping them again, not because I love Labour/Greens, but because National/ACT had years to do the right thing & have said nothing, distracted with relative minutia and will go along with or enforce tyranny again when the next “Covid crisis” happens & they collectively lose their minds to the worst of human emotions.

Ergo I’d rather Labour got a fourth term, fully destroyed this country with hyperinflation & Orwellian woke culture, so that everyone can realise how deep the real problems are & swiftly rebuild this once great nation. Unprincipled beta males like Soymore & Luxon are not your saviours, the lesser of evils is still evil, the point of voting is to reflect your principles in government, not pragmatic popularity contests which sacrifice truth & reason.
~ Will Ryan

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