Demonization and Divide and Conquer Are NOT Conservative Values!

1 year ago

I have yet to discover ANYTHING that would lend credence to #PatriotFront being either Feds or White Supremacists either one. Demonization and Divide and Conquer are NOT conservative values!

After perusing their website I can find NOTHING that would convict them of either one. That said, until someone can offer some substantive evidence to the contrary, I suggest those of you detractors out there SHUT YOUR IGNORANT PIEHOLES!

Patriot Front is on the ADL watchlist, that ought to tell you a thing or two.
The ADL is a Jewish Supremacist group and they've got a nerve calling anyone else extremists. Don't take my word for it, explore their website at the link below and tell me what you find. Most of what I found I agree with 100%, but they need to take their damned masks off if they want to restore some credibility to their organization.

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