Star Gate Looking Glass computer has the world elites very worried / can’t stop what’s coming

1 year ago

2012 the elites of the world found out no matter what they do the future outcome is the same. They’ve ran thousands of different scenarios through a computer system called Star Gate Looking Glass. Their problem is, they’re only 2000 power people trying to conquer 7 billion people. We are in war 3 and our country is being invaded by millions of men of fighting age with no wives or kids with. One of the main problems for the elites are well armed Americans. We have over 159 million law abiding gun owners which is 3 times more weapons than every world military combined. We are the largest standing army on earth. No military including the USA military has ever faced so many well armed civilians. We won’t be fighting for some black man killed by a cop, no sir we will be fighting for our country and families. Your talking about people with righteous in their hearts with anger to fuel us.

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