THE A SHOW EXTRA 5/18/23: This Scares Me!!!

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Big Ray welcomes a man who has served the United States Air Force for 20 years. This is his info… Tech Sergeant Chuck Finley USAF retired. Sgt. Finley served his first duty station in Minot North Dakota. Sgt. Finley then served a year in England, 6 years in DC, deployed twice from there, once to Qatar, once to UAE. After that, two years in Oklahoma City, and four years in Phoenix. Deployed once from there to Djibouti, Africa. This soldier is now retired from the Air National Guard back home in Ohio. My unit drilled just up and will discuss how the U.S. Military is going about recruitment all wrong now. We will review recruitment videos from China and Russia then the United States and break down why the world has lost respect and no longer fears the ol’ U.S.A. Can this be fixed? Has the U.S. military gone soft? We at the A Show and the A Show Extra would like to thank ALL out Military Service Men and Woman all over the world defending our freedoms.

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