Sacred Co-Creation, Womb Alchemy and Multi-Dimensional Motherhood

1 year ago

This is a beautiful conversation about the importance of tuning into yourself, your own frequency and to work with this to co-create miracles ....... and the greatest miracle of all .... life.

You will be truly inspired by Tanya Hoenselaar's journey through conception, pregnancy and motherhood.

Here is Tanya's bio and links:
I’m Tanya, mama to three precious souls, an energy healer, intuitive channel and energy doula: holding a sacred space for deepening your connection with your womb space as you to bring your body, mind and spirit into more optimal flow - preparing to bring in new life and create the life you desire.

My infertility journey with stage 4 endometriosis, one fallopian tube and low ovarian reserve - I set out on a journey to best support my body, my womb to give us the best chance of conceiving.

This journey became an empowering personal rebirth allowing for deep healing and miracles. At the age of 36, we conceived our first son and at the age of 38, we conceived twins - my daughter and son

My womb alchemy journey rippled beyond conception, through all areas of my life and continues to be a beautiful and powerful journey.

It has been catalyst for my journey inwards to expansion - remember who I am at my core, embracing the full spectrum of me, stepping into my power, my soul calling and my spiritual gifts and creating a new path for my children.

I am devoted to holding the space for you on an empowering womb alchemy journey as you embody your essence and discover the infinite possibilities and potential as you deepen your connection with yourself and your sacred womb.

With Love, Tanya

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With permission, intro music by the amazing sacred songstress Stellar Sophia

Find more of Stellar's amazing healing music here:

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