Dr. Mike Yeadon:The only people who would plan and do this are people who worship Satan

1 year ago

Dr. Mike Yeadon; The only people who would plan and do this are people who worship Satan

We’re beyond wrong and right; We’re in the GOOD VERSUS EVIL

The injections are toxic. The very design of them could not be more dangerous

They chose to use the only part of this purported pathogen; the spike protein which is acutely toxic

And yet they’ve injected billions of people, we’re into millions of people who have died, we don’t know how many more people will die

Source @Child Covid Vaccine Injuries UK

#Signature #Series #Spike #Support #Formula– The #WellnessCompany https://www.twc.health/DrEddyClinic

https://bit.ly/3HjQlQq Get back to that pre-COVID feeling.
Vaccinated or not, toxic spike proteins pose a long-term threat to your health.

This revolutionary Spike Support Formula is the only product that contains nattokinase and dandelion root, researched to block and dissolve spike proteins inside your body.

Buy daily Spike Support and protect you and your family against the effects of COVID, vaccines, and shedding.


#Signature #Series #Healthy #Heart and #Muscle #Formula– The #Wellness https://www.twc.health/DrEddyClinic

Strengthen your heart for a stronger life.
Your heart is one of the most important muscles in your body. Are you doing enough to keep it strong?
Our Healthy Heart & Muscle Formula helps you maintain your body’s cardiovascular health and may aid in the healing process following cardiac tissue damage. https://bit.ly/44m63V8

Here’s #howto #detox from the #COVID #spikeprotein – from the #jab or the #virus https://bit.ly/how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein

#TWC #MEDTalk #Episode 8 - #Who’s #Afraid of #Ivermectin? A #discussion with #Rebel #Pharmacy #Owner - Part 1 https://bit.ly/med-talk-who-affraid-of-ivermectin1

#TWC #MEDTalk #Episode 8 - #Who’s #Afraid of #Ivermectin? A #discussion with #Rebel #Pharmacy #Owner - Part 2 http://bit.ly/who-affraid-of-ivermectin-2

#WaronIvermectin: The #Medicine that #Saved #Millions and Could Have #Ended the #Pandemic https://amzn.to/3Cj3giE

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