G-7 leaders likely to focus on war in Ukraine and tensions in Asia

1 year ago

When leaders of the world’s affluent democracies convene in Hiroshima, the symbolism will be powerful. The city’s name itself evokes the tragic consequences of war, and it is in this historic setting that they will address a range of pressing challenges, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and escalating tensions in Asia.

The focus on the conflict in Europe comes shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy embarked on a whirlwind tour to meet several Group of Seven (G-7) leaders who are now en route to Japan for the upcoming summit starting on Friday, the Associated Press reported.

Zelenskyy’s objective during this tour was to secure additional weaponry for his country and garner political support in preparation for an anticipated counteroffensive to reclaim territories occupied by Moscow’s forces.

"G-7 leaders likely to focus on the war in Ukraine and tensions in Asia at summit in Hiroshima"
READ MORE: https://apnews.com/article/g7-japan-hiroshima-ukraine-biden-kishida-dedf0f001b873a5e9f6eba111a259792

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