Stand for America - Brittney Griner National Anthem

1 year ago

15 months ago, Brittney Griner, the all-star WNBA center and 2-time gold medal Olympian, and was detained for drug smuggling, and eventually found guilty in a Russian court.
She actually admitted it. And for her crimes, she was sentenced to 9-years in a Russian penal colony. A little harsh by our standards. Heck, I can’t walk down the street downtown anymore without a waft of pot reminding me that times have changed here.
But in my opinion, this was parking ticket offense compared to the disrespect she had for our country and all those who died in the name of Freedom, when she refused to stand in respect for the American flag, our national anthem, and the country for which it stands, before her WNBA games - back before she ended up in the Russian gulag.
People died for this flag. Literally died for it. Maybe while racing forward with it on the killing fields of Antietam, maybe while laying down fire so others could raise it over a mound of dirt called Iwo Jima, maybe while wearing it on their sleeves as they were clearing buildings in Fallujah. People bled for this flag. People lost limbs and burned for this flag. People paid the ultimate sacrifice and died for this flag.
And yet, Griner and countless others can’t even bear to stand 1 minute and 56 seconds during the national anthem to honor it. To honor them.
That’s right, Griner, along with teammate Brianna Turner, called for the WNBA to stop playing the national anthem before the games. She said "I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season. I think we should take that much of a stand." How courageous Brittney. Wow. What a statement.
She further went on to say that she does not believe that the national anthem should be played at sporting events at all.
And this, to protest the alleged systematic injustices and transgressions of the United States and the flag which represents it. That was 2020.
Well guess what, she’s standing now.
You see, after a short stint in a Russian penitentiary, she’s come around. She’s realized how naïve she was. How selfish and self-centered she was. How disrespectful she was.
You see, despite our current idiocy in D.C. - and the forces at work trying to divide us, America is still the greatest country on earth.
I said this back when she sentenced.
I said I hoped she could come home some day. And I said that when she did, I would welcome her back like the prodigal child she was. Because that’s what she was. A child. A grown confused child.
So when she was released in a prisoner exchange sponsored by the Biden regime, I was happy for her. I was disappointed of course that Paul Whelan, a former US marine, accused of espionage was ignored and forgotten – and still sits in a Russian prison.
And despite the fact that the Biden regime clearly missed the chapter in the Art of the Deal about negotiating, by giving up a legitimate Russian bad guy for a basketball player – I was still happy she could come home.
I remember seeing her board the plane. She was a different person. She seemed hollow. Shell shocked. Silent. Different.
And now, five months after her release, she finally made her return to the court. The flag was flying. The national anthem was playing.
And she was standing. At attention almost. Gazing up at that beautiful, glorious old flag of ours. Yep, she’s a different woman now. I guess a little bit of Russian prison will do that to you.
Good for you Brittney. Welcome home.
This is the America I love folks. You can be the stupidest person on earth. You can have huge lapses in judgement. You can even be a convicted international criminal.
But Americans forgive. Because we love America. And we love Americans.
If you share our values, our love of country, our way of life – we will love you.
This … is We the People.
And We the people need to keep America free. We the People need to stick together as Pack. If we don’t, the America we love… our America we love… will be lost.
I invite you to join me, and join the cause.
What do you think? And where do you stand on this one?
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Until next time, be ready, be strong, be alert and keep on prepping.

#brittneygriner #foxnews #breakingnews

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