1 year ago

Isaiah 45:4 New King James Version
4 For Jacob My servant’s sake,
And Israel My elect,
I have even called you by your name;
I have named you, though you have not known Me.

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA GANG!!! I truly love Isaiah 43, because it is a precious promise from God that He is not only there for us, but He hasn’t forgotten us, and never will. I badly needed this precious and familiar passage of scripture, because of what I am going through right now with my family, and I am very grateful for the reminder that God knows me by name and that as I am passing through all these deep difficult waters in my life, I don't need to be afraid or worried because God knows me and He's there beside me.

I think that's why the questions from this morning's devotional are so encouraging to me, and I’d like to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and I pray that God will use them in your life to bring you encouragement and strength as well.

What trials are you facing these days?

How can focusing on the fact that God knows you by name help you walk through trying times with confidence?

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things with you that God show me from His Word this morning, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share encourages you to know that God has not forgotten you. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends come and learn how God knows you by name and will never forget you! 😊

So, my dear friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I pray that you will realize that no matter what you go through, no matter the hardship, trial, we're trying time that you were experiencing, that God IS there for you! Remember, that even in the darkest moment of your life, the scariest valley, or toughest situation or person that you could ever face, know that God has not forgotten you, stands by you, and will never leave you. Remember, my friends, that God knows each and every one of you by your name, so you don't need to be afraid or worried about what takes place in your life. GOD KNOWS YOUR NAME!!!



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