SHOCKING: DOJ Dismantles Hunter Biden Investigation

1 year ago

It’s such brazen retaliation by the IRS to continue covering for the President’s controversial son Hunter Biden that it’s almost hard to believe. The ENTIRE investigative team working on the IRS case against Hunter Biden for alleged tax fraud has suddenly been removed.
Remember a few weeks ago when we told you how Biden’s new IRS boss Daniel Werfel assured the nation that reports of the IRS hiring armed agents to come knock on your doors was just conservative paranoia and his new agents would be armed only with calculators? And then, of course, right after, the agency posted job listings for new agents willing to carry firearms and use “deadly force.”
Well, Dan also testified before the House Ways and Means Committee that no whistleblowers would have to fear retaliation for coming forward. And guess what? To paraphrase Maury Povich, today’s news confirms that statement was also a lie.
It’s like the Deep State isn’t even bothering to cover its corrupt tracks. This stinks of political bias and corruption. A whistleblower drops a dime on their bad behavior, and they yank the whole team away from the investigation? Of course, it naturally makes you wonder: Was the team really just getting too close to something that the Bidens didn’t want them to know? We may never find out now.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more discussion of this unbelievable development in the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden for allegations of tax fraud. It’s clear-cut retaliation by the Deep State IRS to cover up the younger Biden’s potentially criminal activity and the possible involvement of his dad, the current President of the United States. No one is supposed to be above the law, not even a President. And no Administration is allowed to weaponize federal agencies to conceal its own bad behavior.

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