Chris Whitty’s Been Busy—Blame It On The Gas Stoves - UK Column News - 17th May 2023

1 year ago

- UK's Nurse Margaret Wins the Coveted Aster Guardians Global Nursing Award 2023
- Public Child Protection Wales—Donate here
- PCP Wales are at Parliment Square today (SW1P 3BD)
- Symposium announcement: Who Do You Think You Are?—An Exposé brought to you by Children's Health Defense and UK Column. Exposing the Globalists' WHO Scheme: Friday 19th May 2023 19.00–22.15 BST
- UK Column Interview: Dr. Thomas Binder, MD Thursday 18 May, 1 pm
- 76th World Health Assembly takes place between 21 and 30 May 2023
- Daily Mail: Experts [Chris Whitty] reveal a new link between gas stoves and asthma

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