Ukraine received a total of about 150 German Leopard tanks of various generations and modifications.

1 year ago

For use in the already expected by the whole world attack on Russian troops, Ukraine received a total of about 150 German Leopard tanks of various generations and modifications. From open sources it is known that among them most of all - over 100 pieces - Leopard 1A5, as well as 32 Leopard 2A4 and 21 Leopard 2A6. Bjorn Stritzel, a military columnist for the German newspaper Bild, broke out the other day with an article where he analyzed the threats that this armored fist will have to face in the confrontation with the Russian armed forces.

One of the main problems for German tanks in the fields of Ukraine, the analyst considers anti-tank guided missiles of the Kornet family. There are many such anti-tank systems in service with Russian infantrymen. They are also often installed on armored vehicles. The German is worried about the combat characteristics of these shells with a tandem-cumulative warhead, penetrating up to 1100-1300 millimeters of armor, covered with dynamic protection. This "behind the eyes" is enough to stop any Leopard .

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