Radio & Television Careers of 1940! (vacuum tubes, original film, electronics, technology, Radar)

1 year ago

090822 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. RADIO & TELEVISION Careers and 1940 vacuum tube electronics: This vintage film reflects the rapidly advancing technology of Radio and TV in the 1940’s, and the rise of many new CAREERS. This fascinating film highlights JOB skills needed in Radio and Television as envisioned in the 1940’s. As vacuum tube technologies grew more sophisticated and Television was in its infancy, demand was also growing rapidly. World War II increased the need for vacuum tubes and radio knowledge. Many of these technologies were precursors to the giant vacuum tube computers which followed. {Rescued and restored with improved audio/video} We hope you enjoy this great original, unedited film. Uploaded by Computer History Archives Project (CHAP). Run time 10 minutes.

Thanks also to Speakeasy Archives (Old Time TV, Radio: digital transfers)

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