What is a Quantum Computer? | Q&A with Microsoft's Quantum Manager

1 year ago

All the links mentioned:

Quantum Computing Book: https://amzn.to/3BzPwQi
Quantum Katas: https://github.com/Microsoft/QuantumKatas
Microsoft Quantum Learning: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/quantum-computing/#resources

In this episode of the Life, Tech & Beyond Podcast, I am joined by Leonard Woody, Senior Product Manager at Microsoft's Quantum Computing team. Woody is the author of "Essential Mathematics for Quantum Computing".

Woody explains to me what quantum computers are, how they work and what problems they will solve. We touch on Microsoft's current effort of developing a quantum computer along with taking about the broader impact of quantum computation in the future.

🌟 Chapters 🌟
Coming soon...

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