Freeland: Rise of the New Global super-rich - Before she became a member of the Trudeau Govt.

1 year ago

Chrystia Freeland: The Rise of the New Global super-rich (Sep 5th, 2013) Before she became a member of the Trudeau Government.

Technology is advancing in leaps and bounds -- and so is economic inequality, says writer Chrystia Freeland. In an impassioned talk, she charts the rise of a new class of plutocrats (those who are extremely powerful because they are extremely wealthy) and suggests that globalization and new technology are actually fueling, rather than closing the global income gap. Freeland lays out three problems with plutocracy … and one glimmer of hope.

In "Plutocrats," Chrystia Freeland explores the growing gap between the working poor and the increasingly disconnected mega-rich.

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Fast Forward To 2023 - Chrystia Freeland holds the position of Deputy Prime Minister in Canada but is also on the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. George Soros, founder of Soros Fund Management and Open Society Foundations, is also a member of the World Economic Forum. The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed a partnership agreement in 2019.

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