Biden’s Racist Anti-Police Prosecutor Rachael Rollins Forced to Resign After a Year

1 year ago

Biden’s appointees have included an eco-terrorist to head the Bureau of Land Management and no shortage of racists, but Rachael Rollins was something else. The Soros DA was in a league of her own even among her ilk.

When the Black Lives Matter race riots devastated cities, Rollins ranted,“This burning rage that you are seeing when you turn your TV on or you hear in my voice is real. People are fed up, and to the white community that is now waking up to see this rage, we have been telling you this forever.”

“Buildings can be fixed,” Rollins argued while falsely accusing police officers of having “lynched and murdered” black people.

The pro-crime DA then defended the rioters claiming that “It is completely ironic to have to say to you, ‘please don’t be violent. Please keep your voice down. Please be silent and comply with all of the police’s requirements’, when in fact it’s those very people that murder us with impunity.”

Rollins had stirred up the violence by falsely claiming that “we are being murdered at will by the police & their proxy” and ranted, “No more apologies. No more words. Demand action. Radical change now.” When Boston cops protested against Rollins “slandering our officers as murderers”, she retorted with a racist taunt to the heroic officers, “white fragility is real.”

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