Errol Musk-Elon's father- on Biden Begging, Covid 19 & Truth vs Facts

1 year ago

Errol Musk on Biden visiting Arabia amidst oil crisis: America strategic oil reserves semi-depleted. Biden requests oil from Saudi Arabia, but gives away American strategic oil reserves, amongst others to China.

Errol Musk on Dr Montagnier, discoverer of the HIV, Nobel prize winner, who said Covid is lab made, and mRNA is designed to weaken the immune system. So injected people are more prone to disease. Mark Steyn elaborates on deaths and disease now from the mRNA injection.
“Mark Steyn: The stories of vaccine-damaged patients and their families.

• Mark Steyn:

Errol Musk on world population and the call to reduce world population to five hundred million, but the entire current 7.5billion standing side by side would fit into a small hill. So, the world is not crawling with humans. Most places are completely devoid of human existence.
Errol Musk on Biden’s saying, “I choose Truth not Facts”. Paradox or not?


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