May 16, 2023

1 year ago

finally raining again but keeping me from getting a mug we bought (I'd hoped to buy 2, now wonder if I'll get 1) AND (J wants to see how his idea for a medicine shelf worked + wooden shelf fell ON MY HEAD and D rearranged my whole room, so now I'm not ready for anyone to look in, but J at home alone and already in habit of going through my things and taking things, so now I'm left wondering what state my room will be in (spoilers- now books in the other shelf are leaning, I hadn't read the books I suspect are missing in a while, still suspect J going in my room and taking things when I'm not in the house, but 1 too scared to ask him directly, 2 no reliable witnesses even to ask for advice, 3 no support group- what do I do?)

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