Electric Clipper Training - Cinnamon the 3yr old Gypsy-Shire - 16 May 2023

1 year ago

Electric clipper training on Cinnamon the 3yr old Gypsy-Shire filly. This is the entire session - I show how I get her to willingly accept the clippers - I trim her bridle path and both ears. All of the training and clipping is completed in about 14-1/2 minutes.

Training horses always involves some risk of injury (or even death) to the horse, the trainer, any spectators, equipment used, etc. - this risk is totally your own as you will be making your own judgements on what to do. As with any suggestions on any subject you must weigh them out for yourself and proceed accordingly - at your own risk.

Remember to read, study, and ponder upon God's word each day and also pray each day to find out what God needs you to do today and then do it. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier accepting new clients in my core area https://griffes.tripod.com/farrier.html
Colt Starting Trainer with a waiting list
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Freedom is the cure - Learn, Love, Live the Principles of Liberty https://griffes.tripod.com/Learn-Founding-Principles.html .

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