League of Legends: Ranked - Braum - Placement Match Game 10 of 10 - Gold II

1 year ago

Garen vs Urgot
Ekko vs Lillia
Sylas vs Cass
Caitlyn vs Varus
Thresh vs Braum

0:00 Start
1:03 Early Invade and First Death
I was busy narrating when they came around into my bush. Caitlyn flashed into tower to kill me for first blood and Varus was able to kill her.

2:54 Support for Support
6:20 Ekko Tower Dive
We end up killing Ekko and Thresh.

9:52 Lillia Gank
2 for 2

11:50 Lillia Gank #2
2 for 0

14:14 Ekko Gank
I forgot about his ultimate and I had shield.

15:50 Fire Drake Prep and Take
19:37 Made a mistake flashing to engage
Was punished severely for this.

21:17 Fight Over Water Drake
We got pushed out. Lots of close calls.

28:12 Bad Engage by me again
29:45 Urgot saving himself and we punished them
31:09 Opponents casually letting us win
Sylas chased after Varus but I was there to block. Varus ulted Thresh and we started chasing them down.

32:00 Aced Enemy Team
We couldn't decide on what to do.

32:44 Water Drake
33:45 Brush of death for me
Team fought 4 v 5 and lost and the opponents ended the game.

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