A tired look and then Old Guard words from within.

1 year ago

I must apologise for my sluggish presentation. As a record, and nothing more, this is a result of lack of sleep per usual and a distraction(nothing more) of an old and foolish heart.
She is wee, dark haired and beautiful, mid 30's? and definately "Ooot o'ma league". Paddy is handsome also..her dog.
Anyway, she's probably jagged and of good vision so moving on..
Within flows later, stick with me or not.
The future will judge me as truths reveal and reality is forced to evolve unnaturally.
I only pray, oh aye, that I can save 1 or at least exalt myself without inflated exaggeration. It is why I protect my truth, my own understanding of 'it'.
I may be early, since 2001, but time has shown even over the past 3 years that once the truth outs, the real suffering within and struggle begins.
Knowing is a trauma that should only be experienced by the mature in spirit and I struggle to believe I was a mistake or a malfunction anymore.
My whole bloody life has been a, "wake the fcuk up yer bell-end" moment and only recently in the past few(5-6) years has all my learning become understandable as basically I am as dumb as a butt bung at a free for all anal festival. 🤨😉
Temptation was masked in pleasure and selfish wants for me. I see it and prove to become more. Behind me Satan/Lucifer/Lord/Baal/Saturn/Horus/Set/Isis or any other bloody name you can throw at a dartboard.
Who worshipped the 1st murderer, Manifested evil? Was it the Canaanites?

Find your truth, find you and begin to nurture and become not 'who you are'. which as we journey reveals, the given is the inversion of our true being and nature therein. No new age cultism here.
Pray for Canada, Pray for the US, Pray for us..just 'ave word with y'self eh!'

Much L❤ve

Johnny ❤

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