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Applied Anthropology (Phoebe A. Hearst Museum)

1 year ago


Study of humans and their culture
folklore sociology demography population, density socioanthropology, population studies population vital statistics population growth cultural anthropology census-taking population size social anthropology population analysis


  • 0/2000
  • In the early 90s, I worked as a secretary in Barker Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. It housed the Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology. My 2 bosses were 'geneticists' who pulled in big grants every year. Dr. Peter Duesberg tried to tell the truth about the AIDS 'virus'. He was defunded, widely and publicly ridiculed by everyone else in the dept., and treated as a pariah in the 'science' community. At the time, I thought it was just scientists arguing amongst themselves. Now I understand what was going on much better, especially after 'virology' deep dives during Covid. One side of Barker Hall faces Hearst Avenue!