Don’t Renounce your Us Citizenship!

1 year ago

Did you know that by renouncing your us citizenship it can cost you $4000 plus having to pay exit taxes, have all debt paid off before being able to exit the USA?

Then trying to find a country who will accept you granted you don’t have a criminal background or felony?

What if I told you that you can save $150k -$300,000 by not having to get a second passport if a country does decide to take you in?

Many Americans want to escape paying high taxes and government tyranny but many don’t realize there is a more inexpensive way to doing this!

It’s becoming an Ambassador & Secured Creditor by operating on the private side you don’t ever have to renounce your citizenship instead you get to transmute it into a powerful status known as being an American Indigenous and being completely tax free! Many years I was threatened by child support that if I didn’t pay their double fees they’d take my passport from me! I am proud to say I have my U.S. Passport and can freely travel out of the country any time and live a tax free existence! Want to learn more?

Get our free Be Bullet Proof ecourse, and learn how to protect your family, your assets and your business from seizures, judgements, Cps, Child support, taxes, lawsuits, levy’s, liens etc! Go to where we help 6-8 figure entrepreneurs become Bullet proof against the gestapo! This knowledge can save your life and your families legacy!

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