May 11, 2016 ❤️ Jesus warns... Watch out, My Brides! Satan's Agents pose as concerned Christians

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Watch out, My Brides! Satan’s Agents pose as concerned Christians

May 11, 2016 – Excerpt of Jesus’ Message thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “There are things I wish to address in this little community of believers. The Scripture readings you were given today weigh heavily on My mind and heart. I want you to share them.”

(Clare) Oh, dear ones, they were really harsh readings, but if I must, according to the Lord’s desire, I will share them…

(Galatians 1:6-9) I marvel that you are so readily turning away from him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel – which is not another, only there are some who are troubling you and wanting to corrupt the Good News of the Messiah. However, even if we or an angel from Heaven should bring another gospel to you beside the one we announced to you, let them be accursed! As we have said before, and now I say again… ‘If anyone brings a ‘good news’ to you beside what you have received, let them be accursed.’

(Galatians 1:11-12) And I make known to you, brothers and sisters, that the gospel announced by me is not according to man. I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

(Jesus) “Some very clever and skilled deceivers have been attacking this flock behind your back. And these are headed for perdition. They are not sincere believers as they pretend to be. They are Satanists who are incensed with My invitations for them to repent. As you noticed, a new level of attack was launched against you immediately after I invited them to come to Me.

“Do not be fooled, Heartdwellers, these unclean spirits behind these attacks have nothing but your ruin in their minds. They hate all that is good and righteous. They despise the truth and are skilled in mimicking Me and presenting sound arguments that are nothing more than suggestions from their corrupted intellects.

“I know, Clare, that you were hesitating to write that they are Satanists, but understand, they are accursed for perverting the truth and luring the innocent into error and darkness. Forewarned is forearmed, My little flock. I am allowing this, because the deceptions yet to come by those who rule in this world are even more perverse and you are being trained in discernment.

“I am speaking to all of you now. I have allowed these agents of Satan to raise their ugly heads so you could be trained in discernment. You have only to ask yourself how they make you feel. Fear, panic, anxiety, loss of peace, confusion? Lies, manipulation, false accusations, and questionable interpretations of the Scriptures should immediately warn you that they are not sent by Me.

“You were doing so well in the love and truth I was teaching you, why have you departed to throw your lot in with evil doers? For those of you who recognize deceit when you see it, I commend you for your spirituality that cleaves to the truth and knows no other voice than your shepherd’s. Pray for the weaker ones among you who have not yet walked in My ways or learned My voice. Pray also for the deceived ones, that they would repent before it is too late, for many of them live in risk areas of the country and will not be spared.

“If you want to recognize those who are in league with Satan, here is your chance to observe their tactics. But I do not wish for you to argue doctrine with these. They see you as stupid for loving Me. They have no interest in the truth, but your prayers on their behalf can change that. Truly I do hate to see their demise. ‘Cause I died for them, too.”

(Clare) Lord, I forgive them. Do not hold this sin against them.

(Jesus) “As you wish, Clare. But I am asking the rest of you Heartdwellers to be advised. I have not sent these to rescue you from a false teacher, the enemy has sent them to steal the words of truth I have spoken through her mouth. It is up to you to discern; forewarned is forearmed. Now, My Dear Heartdwellers, I bless you with My Wisdom and discernment, that you may recognize good from evil.

“And again, those of you who are workers of iniquity, I know your works, I know your father, he is the deceiver and skilled with his wicked tongue. But you are the ones who are duped. He is doing to you what you are doing to those on this channel. You are deceived by his empty promises. You have nothing to look forward to in Hell but a solitary prison cell with several demons trained in dismembering your bodies, and applying the fire. They will entertain themselves at your expense for eternity.

“My suggestion to you is consider that what you sow is what you will reap. You, too, are victims of the deceiver. Repent while you still have life’s breath, your time on this Earth is soon coming to a close. I have no desire to lose you. My heart is to forgive and do good to you. But I cannot help you if you continue to follow him.

“Remember… Satan is only playing you, doing to you what you are doing to these innocents. You are being duped. He will provide you with all kinds of rewards while you are on this Earth, to convince you that his word is trustworthy. But when you die, you will discover the real truth. Then you will not be able to turn around and repent, and your eternity will be sealed.

“Know that I love you as My own children, but I can do nothing for you while you follow him. Consider who speaks the truth here and repent. I will receive you with open arms.”

(Jackie) Please read John 8:31-45 in your Bible, where Jesus explains the topic ‘Children of the Devil’ – The Lord’s Peace be with you all.

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