What's something that a friend/classmate did in high school that was seen as funny at the time, BUT

1 year ago

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[Serious] [NSFW] What's something that a friend/classmate did in high school that was seen as funny at the time, but you now realise was actually not ok?
\- Pantsing somebody in front of everybody. Is that even allowed anymore? That was soooo commonplace as a kid.\- Wearing a mirror on your shoes to look up skirts. Even teachers thought it was funny that students occasionally did that.
Living in the Netherlands. Classmate was showing on his phone a whole online shop he claimed to have with all kinds of drugs and weapons. We thought it was funny because we didn't take it too serious. He dropped out of school early and turned out to be a big drug dealer. Well we could have known I guess.
In our school there was a teacher who had a mole, so of course the kids decided her nickname would now be "mole". She must have felt really hurt, as she eventually had the mole removed, leaving a little dent where it used to be. Did everyone then stop calling her names? Nope. They started calling her "hole" instead.
My friend faked her own kidnapping. i was all fun and games until the police started chasing her 'kidnappers' van.
A friend in my group had sex with another friends mother, like literally. His mother was even somewhat open about it. We always gave both friends shit for it and thought it was hilarious at the time, but we were only about 16 or so.
When I was in middle school, some kids spiked our Family and Consumer Sciences teacher's chili with sleeping pills. I'm pretty sure someone told so she never ate it, but that could have ended really badly.
A kid took another kids towel after gym class shower. He used the other kids towel to dry his ass. Put a shit stain on the towel 3 foot long. Lots of nervous laughter because we were glad it wasn’t our towel. Sick bastard
In grade 8 a so-called "friend" convinced a child with Down Syndrome to come up to me and grope my balls.Over the years I have come to realise just how screwed up that was.
Chewed his cold sore open and started finger-painting on his desk in his own blood. High school Honors Psychology class, front row next to me.
This kids used to smell girls seat right after she leaves.Once he smelled something funny and asked the other guys to smell get seat. This girl was called poop because of this guy.What a wierd fetish...
Throw peanuts at the kid with a nut allergy
Every Friday there was school wide “slap ass Friday†where everyone just decided that they have free reign to run around and slap everyone’s butts all day. Doesn’t matter who you were, you were probably getting your booty popped on fridays. I was an awkward loner and people would run up and slap my butt all the time. Doubt that would fly these days.
Harrassing and mocking the teachers. One of them even got a nervous breakdown because of it and was on sick leave for half a year
- A classmate got a new cool bike, for some reason this other classmate wasn't okay with this, so he threw her new bike in the woods and smeared dogshit all over it. He was pretty much found out for doing this the very next day.Kids just are the worst people on earth jesus.
Dry humping each other in public was peak comedy at 15
I never thought it was funny but a lot of classmates did. There was this one kid that would make fun of a “weird†girl for both of her parents dying in a car accident. Lots of people laughed and I still think about it 16 years later
One of my classmates jammed his thumb up another students butthole in 3rd grade.
There was a girl in my hs grade that would suck anyone's dick from our grade. Just ask her at lunch, and she'll blow you in your car after school. Not even a big deal for anyone. She wasn't very popular with the other girlsObviously this girl had some flocked up shit going on and no one stopped to think about it.

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