Genetics at metaMATHS: Axioms still TRUE, Semantic and syntax aren’t mutually identifiable #Dualism

1 year ago

My meta-science reasoning system, based exhaustively on Kurt Goedel's — INTERlinking genetics with formal mathematics and computer assembly language. (I used great mathematician's name spelling as Kurt G«O»edel – in objective of simplifying #kiss approach: Write it simply, without overhead of foreign „hash/bushes” – too much of stupid syntactical issues can overshadow sometimes all bigger study... don't let to „robotize” you then!). Science isn't fully robotizable. Syntactics MUST contain semantics. • I added some predicate to Kurt's theorem — shown immediately after the cover page on #presentation.
•Linked to the previous part about topic domain – in the suggestion controls. It does is linked, despite possibility of some chaos of titles. What experience in science do you have?
•Computerization of biological discourse about human mind remains core problem of humanity. You have great mainframes, supercomputers, and you can't understand superiority of soul above neurons?? In XXI century you don't feel the difference, still?
•Approach: Do not your science control you!
•In reasoning presented, you can replace neurons with atoms, ... also with quants, gluons (to some point, but axioms are the same!), and any other parts of brain anatomy. Milestone point is that laws of maths are very strict. You can apply metalogical laws on neurostructure, on single & grouped neurons.
All this stuff defines: mind IS NOT COMPUTER. Trash all this f...k r u s s i a n narratives that creates constant condemnation of human nature, so popular in America and almost whole world, fixation present as disastrous error of modern humanity – at daily talks, at lifestyle, at „scientific” style of life. If brain would be «thought», then r u s s i a would be ok. But it isn't the case!!!
#neuroscience #cognitive-science #brain #mind #neocortex #cortical #genetics #assembler #logics #goedel #logician #theorem #predicate #metamaths #metamath #deductive #induction #symboliclogic #maths #dualism #philosphy #wisdom #discourse #thoughprocesses #greedyquantifier #greedyquantifiers #reasoning #inference #metascience #mindbody #robotization #transhumanism #functors #comprehensivestudy #analysis #mathematicians #explanation #biology #automaton #indexer #bioscience #biotechnology #milestone #internals #hacking #makeamericagreatagain #formallogic #quantummechanics #quants #discovery #grammar #syntax #metalanguage #multidisciplinary #amazing #greatunification #POV #various #logicalreasoning #essay #theory #theorems

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