1983 Librascope Company Glendale History (Singer, Lockheed, computers, defense, military submarine)

1 year ago

060621 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. Librascope History: 1983 Promotional Film: Librascope was a former Glendale, California company, founded in 1937 by Lewis W. Imm and later acquired by General Precision in 1941. Librascope was a manufacturer of early digital computers sold in both the business and defense markets. It hired Stan Frankel, a Manhattan Project veteran and early ENIAC programmer, to design the LGP-30 desktop computer in 1956. Librascope was purchased by Singer Corporation (1968) and moved into the manufacture of marine systems and land-based Command, Control, Communication systems for the defense industry. In 1992, Singer Company was acquired by Loral Space & Communications, and eventually became part of Lockheed Martin, and now called Lockheed Martin NE&SS—Undersea Systems. This 1983 historical film describes some of the history and products of Librascope and some of its many achievements in electronic systems development. This fascinating promotional film runs about 13 minutes.

For more information,
Librascope Memories over 60 years of history, including 293 Librazette newsletters, photos, product literature, and company videos

and also see the Librascope Memories Blog:

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